Choosing the right Password Manager: Things you must remember

Want to choose the right Password Manager for your system or PC, few things you must know or remember. Those who are still not using any password manager in your system and planning to do so, then take a while to read this article, for the selection of the right password manager. For instance, now email id is not only just to communicate with others, it’s now linked with credit cards, bank details, along with every other particular of yours.

password manager

 Nowadays, we are very much dependent on the digital world from social media to online financial accounts and every account is been secured with passwords, which you need to remember, which is a little cumbersome. Here, comes the activity of the password manager. However, not only to remember the password of your multiple digital accounts is the only function of a password manager, the expectation has grown a little bit higher.

Here are few additional features which a password manager should have, which we should consider while choosing the right password manager.

Access from multiple devices and systems

We do not limit ourselves to a single system only, so to access our passwords, we need a password manager which has cross-platform access. For example, you might be accessing your android phone or iPhone or windows pc, or chrome book, throughout the day, so you need to have a password manager which could be accessed from almost every platform.

There are some password managers like LastPass, which provide multi-device access, but that falls under their premium service and it’s not free. And it’s very painful to enter the password manually, after viewing from one system which has the only access to the password manager.

In this regard, you could opt for a free password manager such as BitWarden which provides multi-device support, along with lot more features.

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More than just managing password

As the name suggests, managing passwords is the primary or key objective of a password manager with the utmost security and accessibility to all kinds of devices, but password managers don’t limit themselves, in storing your passwords. There must be lots more secrecy that you need to keep securely, used in your digital world. Such as secret questions of your bank logins or it may include a software license, etc.

There are some password managers which let you secure any image or note or any other information safe, such as a scanned copy of your driving license, or any other financial documents, which are very much important to you.

Rendering extra security to your password manager using two-factor authentication

Some of the password managers do provide this feature of two-factor authentication, as an added security feature, however, in few cases these features are included in the pro or paid version. But sometimes this feature proves to be troublesome for users who regularly access the password manager from the same device/s. For every single access if you have to access the password manager, with two-way authentication, then it would be troublesome for regular users. So, in such a case, if you can add your devices as a trusted device, for which no two-way authentication is required, then it would be helpful for regular users from their trusted device.

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All such features are been provided by the password managers, so while choosing a password manager for yourself, do take care of all such provisions, whether the password manager you are choosing for your system(s), do provide all such features or not and whether these services are presented free or you have to pay for it. There are several password managers present in the digital world, so it is suggested, please don’t forget to check these feature, before you opt to download a good password manager for yourself. However, we will discuss in detail about different password managers present in the market in the later articles and find out about the features they provide and a little comparison between them.

6 thoughts on “Choosing the right Password Manager: Things you must remember

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